Customer Testimonials

Christopher W.  Individual Tax Preparation  Recommend highly  "Excellent service. Highly recommend her to everyone."  April 18, 2017

Sera S.  Individual Tax Preparation  A New Returning Customer  "We will definitely be returning next year. Mrs. Ward was very professional and extremely patient with me as I waded through a mess of paperwork. Thank you so much!" April 10, 2017

Kermit T.  Individual Tax Preparation  Great job  "Fast and efficient. She solved problem I couldn't when I attempted to do my own taxes with Turbo-tax." April 10, 2017

Business Tax Preparation  Business taxes- stress relief  "Marquetti was a delight. Took my problems to her on Thursday and by Saturday of the same week I was getting a call that my returns were ready. She is very professional but I felt at ease with here fro the moment I stepped into her home office. I look forward to working with her for many years with personal taxes and complicated business taxes." October 18, 2016